about our Concrete Buildings
This page contains information that we think you should know if your
thinking about buying a pre-cast concrete building;
Concrete Garages as an Alternative to Conventional
Brick Construction.
Since the total cost of a concrete garage is usually about one third
of that for a comparable brick built structure, many homeowners have
chosen the sectional concrete approach to enable them to save money and
time. Erection time for sectional concrete is generally one day whereas
brick construction which requires deep foundations, will mean a minimum
of four to six weeks at best.
With the sectional garage, groundworks are cheaper, as the depth
required for the footings is about a third of that required for brick
construction (about a metre), and the earth removal costs, now running
at about ninety pounds per skip (in part due to the new landfill tax),
are drastically reduced.
As an additional bonus concrete garages can be extended very easily
at a later date, with door and window arrangements changeable at any
time. They can even be removed and re-sited elsewhere.
Concrete Garage Appearance
Where the exterior finish of the dwelling is rendered, our
interlocking panels are the only type that can be rendered to match the
existing house without the prospect of the seal between the panels
opening up with time. All our panel garages feature the exclusive
tongue-and-groove construction system originally developed by Marley.
Where the property is of brick construction, the front pillars either
side of the garage door can be finished in mock brick. Most
manufacturers provide only one finish. With Leofric/Mayfair there are
six wall finishes available, including natural Cotswold and Mendip
Today's home buyer is well aware of appearance, or shall we say,
"kerb appeal". Estate agents have commented that a cheap
looking garage can hold the price of a property down, whereas our
Heritage Model with it's side-to-side roof ridge, will add as much as
three times it's cost in many locations.
Most of our garages, even the double models, can be erected in one
day as mentioned above, and at any time of the year, weather permitting.
Conventional brick or block construction is affected by weather
conditions and requires deep, concrete foundations (usually about 1
metre in depth) which need to harden before any bricks are laid.
Typically a conventionally-built double garage will take four to six
weeks to complete.
You should also be aware that the builder that you select is required
to notify the Health & Safety Executive (H&SE) of the project,
if the construction time, including preparation of the site, extends
beyond thirty days. As current legislation stands, you are not
responsible for complying with H&SE requirements, but your builder
is. If he fails to comply your project could be stopped. A competent,
professional builder should have no problems in providing the local
authority with all certifications presently required. These include
matters such as First Aid, scaffolding tower erection, plant, especially
for any engine-driven units, etc. However, anyone carrying out work
without the correct training certifications, which today include even
scaffolding, would be stopped. This could delay your project, or even
necessitate the appointment of a new builder.
It is the responsibility of the customer to provide a good base.
Usually our agent will arrange this for you. Please note that there is
always the possibility that the garage erector may reject the base and
not erect the garage. The manufacturer should provide a base plan.
Purchasers of Leofric and Mayfair Garages are always supplied with such
a plan, together with full details of the base specifications.
The base must be flat; with the exception of the outer edge which
needs a roll-off profile to ensure that rainwater is drained away from
the garage, not attracted into the building by an inward fall from the
edge. It is important to remember that an uneven base may well be
rejected by the erector if, in his judgement, the garage cannot be
erected in a level and upright manner, or if he feels that rain will run
back into the building. Although a fillet of sand and cement is
provided, water laying up against the garage wall will eventually gain
ingress and, with frost, will start to break the seal.
Making concrete is not unlike making a cake. The chief components of
concrete are sand, of which there are many grades, cement, of which
there are also many grades, and the aggregate of which there is a vast
selection of sizes and types to choose from. All these components need
to be carefully selected, and in the final analysis it is the hardness
of the concrete that demonstrates the quality of the mix.
Local materials usually do not combine to make the best concrete, and
it may well be necessary for manufacturers to purchase from a distant
quarry, which has higher cost implications bearing in mind today's
increased transportation costs. Check with the garage manufacturer. The
hardest material available is carboniferous limestone, which we use. The
stone needs to be hard and sharp edged to bond properly. Aggregate
coming from sandstone regions (sometimes called jurassic limestone) is
not hard enough, and river stone is too rounded. When broken, concrete
made with river or pit stone has the stone exposed, looking like the
peanuts in a broken chocolate nut bar.
Ask the manufacturer to state the hardness/strength of their product.
Leofric concrete reaches a hardness of 41KN per SqM after 35 days. That
is almost twice as hard as some of our competition! It is also very
important that the concrete be free of metal particles especially iron,
which will gradually weep, causing a red rust stain to run down the
panel. Avoid panels with the reinforcing rods showing through. With time
the concrete will spall and flake off. Small surface fissures are
acceptable, but cracks through the panel are not.
Reinforcing rods are vital. Most of our industry use smooth wire to
benefit from lower cost. It can be bought in coils and straightened with
a special machine. We have such a machine, but have changed over to a
barley-twist type rod, which is dearer, and the material has to be
bought in straight lengths, as it will not pass through the
straightening machine. Also we use 8mm rod, not 6mm as is common with
the competition.
There are two systems, the post and panel and the panel only
The Post and Panel Garage.
A post and panel building, whether a garage or shed, uses vertical
posts at 4' centres, with fill-in panels, each panel being about 2'
height. Different building lengths can be achieved with as many 4' or 2'
add-on panels, as required. The panels usually fit to the posts with a
tapered groove joint and a metal clip clamping the panel to the post.
If you wish to select a building of this type we suggest that you
check the following:
Thickness of the Panel - Leofric is not less
than 1.5" at any point and over 2.5" around the panel edge.
Steel Reinforcement of Panel - needed for
strength. See previous comments.
Post Section Size - Leofric corner cross section
is 4.5" by 8" and the interposts measure 5.5" by
Steel Reinforcement of Post - Leofric posts are
reinforced with 8mm knurled rods
Finishes Available - Leofric offer Rockwall,
Shiplap, and stone covered panels in six finishes.
Can You Build it Yourself? - With Leofric you can.
This will save several hundred pounds on a large garage.
The Panel Garage
Panel Garages do not require posts. Each panel has a thickened edge
and panels are bolted or clipped together. In order to permit
mass-production, all panels with the exception of those made by Leofric
Building Systems are cast in fall-out moulds. The concrete panel has to
be tapered around the outside edges so that turning the mould over will
cause the panel to fall out. The Leofric (and Mayfair) Garage panels are
derived from the Marley garage range which was acquired by Leofric in
1990. The edges of the Marley design are not tapered, instead the mould
has four hinged sides that require manual release and fold down before
the panel can be removed. The tongue and groove profile around the edge
of the panel enables strong, weatherproof panel-to-panel joints, but
prohibits the panel from falling out when the mould is inverted adding
slightly to the manufacturing cost. Again there are many factors to be
aware of::
Thickness of the Panel - Leofric/Mayfair panels
are just under 2" in the centre and about 4" around the
Steel Reinforcement of Panel - needed for
strength. We use 8mm knurled bar, most competitors use 6mm smooth
Finishes Available - We have five stone finishes
available plus the advantage of rendering, not offered by any other
company. Their butt-up panel construction, without a mechanical
tongue-and-groove joint, cannot be rendered as it would soon show
cracks between the panels.
Can you Build it Yourself? - With Leofric the
answer is yes - and this could save several hundred pounds on a large
garage. This option is not available with the majority of other
Garages are supplied with roofs made from a wide variety of
materials. Choices can be made from corrugated metal, fibre cement or
tiles. Metal sheets can be galvanised, which is the cheapest, painted or
steel, plastic laminated. Fibre cement sheets are less likely to
generate condensation, however they can be slightly porous and need a
minimum slope angle to ensure that water runs off cleanly, otherwise
they can saturate and seep. Tiling is available of some models and this
could be metal formed tiles or genuine house roof tiles, such as those
made by Marley, which are used exclusively in the Leofric and Mayfair
Garage Ranges. The warranty period for the tiles needs to be noted. For
Marley Tiles this is fifty years.
In some parts of the country there are Planning Restrictions that
require that roofing must be in accordance with local requirements.
Leofric can supply garages without roofs, thus where local slate or
stone tiles are mandatory they can be fitted. However should this
requirement affect you, be certain that the roof supports of the garage
will carry this heavier load.
Check out the way in which the roof is supported. Leofric uses full
roof trusses which sit on, or are bolted directly to, the concrete
sections. Note how some companies (even the self-appointed "market
leaders") obtain the 7' internal height that our garages provide by
using a 6' 6" panel and a 6" vertical metal strap to gain the
extra 6" needed to equal our construction. Also check the door
closing mechanism. If wires are used to lock/unlock the door at several
points, then just one wire stretching or breaking will render the door
Guttering is essential for garages that have a ridge roof running
across the building, such as our Mayfair Heritage model, and it is
provided on this garage so that water does not drip down your neck as
you open the door. Some Leofric models are supplied without guttering,
as it can, in certain circumstances, serve to concentrate water flow
over the same section of the garage base, causing soil or plant erosion,
unless proper drainage has been provided for when the base was laid.
Planning & Building Regulations
In most parts of the country, our concrete sectional garages and
sheds do not require Planning Consent Approval, whereas any brick
structure will certainly be subject to Building Regulations. Our Sales
Agents can advise you on your local requirements and assist you with any
documentation if this is required. If Planning Consent is required
Leofric will provide, free of charge, a set of plan and elevation
drawings for any model of our range of garages.
If the proposed garage is not going to project in front of the
existing property, planning permission is not normally required,
providing the garage is within certain size limits which, in turn, are
governed by the size and other aspects of the existing building.
Normally you do not need Planning Consent to erect a garage of less than
30 square metres (322 square feet) floor area.
We hope that we have given you an insight into the world of sectional
concrete buildings. The range of products on the market may look very
similar but, as you will have read here, there are important
differences. A well-styled garage that blends with your property will
add value greater than the direct cost. A Mayfair Heritage will usually
add twice it's purchase price to the overall property value, or even
more depending upon location. Steer clear of cheap-looking models. In
today's property market they can have a negative effect on your property
Only Leofric and Mayfair Garages employ a "tongue and
groove" coupling detail between wall panels. All other
manufacturers use panels that just butt-up. Apart from the weaker
construction aspect of their approach this also permits a hacksaw blade
or similar instrument to be forced between their panels enabling the two
bolts (as used by Compton) to be cut through and the wall panels forced
apart. No blade can be forced between Leofric/Mayfair wall panels and
there are seven coupling bolt holes available if required.
Our post and panel garages can be fitted with anchor bolts in the posts
so that no bolt head can be sawn off. This addition to our normal
specification carries a slight extra cost.