Single Concrete Garages
Single Concrete Garages

Double Concrete Garages
Double Concrete Garages

Concrete Workshops
Concrete Workshops & Concrete Buildings UK

Concrete Sheds
Concrete Sheds

Concrete Cabins
Concrete Cabins

Concrete Battery Garages from Leofric

Our concrete garages, concrete workshops and concrete sheds are approved by Constructionline



Concrete Garage Erection Steps

Our concrete garages are designed for rapid construction, with ease of erection in mind. Here is a brief overview of the construction process for erecting one of our vertical panel concrete garages.

1.  Concrete Buildings Erection -- First Start a Corner
Begin in a rear corner. Secure a panel each side of the corner post using the locking plates.
2.  Concrete Buildings Erection -- Bottom Two Rows Next
Erect all posts and bottom two rows of panels. Seal between panels with mastic.
3.  Concrete Buildings Erection -- Roof Trusses and Fascia
Roof trusses are bolted to vertical posts. Front fascia is bolted into place.
4.  Concrete Buildings Erection -- Remaining Panels Fitted
Remaining panels and windows positioned and secured with locking plates.
5.  Concrete Buildings Erection -- Roofing Panels Bolted to Steel Purlins
Roofing sheets bolted to steel purlins.
6.  Concrete Buildings Erection -- Finish with the Door
Door bolted into position.



Telephone 0800 316 6390

© 2015 Leofric Building Systems Ltd.| A company within the Hammond Industries Group
Hillside House, Stratford Road, Mickleton, Gloucestershire, GL55 6SR, UK  Site Map  

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We Manufacture and Supply Concrete Garages & Concrete Sheds Throughout the UK